let’s dye together
tie dye work
get lost in nostalgia instead of stuck in your feed.
make something beautiful
To make tie dye is to make art in chaos. Gathering around a table of rubber bands, t-shirts and bright colors brings back happy memories for all, even if you haven’t done this particular craft before. It’s tactile, it’s intuitive, it’s low stakes thrills.
We have facilitated workshops all over the TriState area for years, working with groups large and small at public events, happy hours, birthday parties & corporate offices. Our past corporate clients include J.Crew, the Wing, and Google.
Each workshop offers an introduction to tie dye folding techniques, pieces to dye & take home and the opportunity to bring clothes from home or workplace swag you’d like to breathe new color and life into.
If you are interested in having a tie dye workshop at your next public or private event, please reach out below.

“Embracing the chaos of tie-dye offers benefits far beyond fashion. ”